ACI and CCAA unite to enhance Chinese airports with new partnership MoU – Travel And Tour World


ACI World, ACI APAC & MID, and CCAA sign MoU to boost cooperation among Chinese airports, enhancing aviation development and customer experience.

The Airports Council International (ACI) World, alongside its regional bodies in Asia-Pacific & Middle East (ACI APAC & MID), and the China Civil Airports Association (CCAA), recently celebrated the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at enhancing collaboration among Chinese airports.

Luis Felipe de Oliveira, the Director General of ACI World, concluded a significant five-day journey through China from January 9th to 15th. This tour included high-level discussions with representatives from CCAA, notable airports like Beijing Capital International, Daxing International, and Guangzhou Baiyun, as well as key government figures such as CAAC Administrator Mr. Song Zhiyong and Guangzhou’s Acting Mayor Mr. Sun Zhiyang.

This strategic MoU between ACI and CCAA encompasses multiple cooperative efforts, including:

  • Enhancing airport global travelers experiences through the ACI Airport Service Quality (ASQ) program
  • Training and assessments under ACI Global Trainings, featuring the APEX in Excellence peer assessment program
  • A joint focus on decarbonization through the ACI APAC & MID Net Zero Roadmap
  • Organizing joint ACI and CCAA events in China

Director General de Oliveira highlighted the importance of China’s reopening in 2022 as a significant contributor to global aviation, noting the anticipated rebound of the Asia-Pacific aviation market in 2023, expected to reach 85.3% of its 2019 volume. He expressed appreciation for CCAA’s hospitality and eagerness to strengthen their partnership, focusing on customer experience, professional development, decarbonization efforts, and hosting global airport events, with Chinese airports taking a lead role.

Stefano Baronci, the Director General of ACI APAC & MID, emphasized China’s ongoing role as a dynamic aviation market. By 2041, China is projected to contribute 21% of global traffic growth. He stressed the importance of Chinese airports preparing for this expansion by enhancing operations, addressing evolving passenger needs, and adopting sustainable practices. The MoU aims to solidify the relationship with CCAA and promote ACI’s programs in China to achieve excellence in airport operations and management.

CCAA Chairman Mam Wang Ruiping expressed his organization’s commitment to working with international entities like ACI. The MoU symbolizes a comprehensive cooperation for the internationalization of Chinese airports and their role in global civil aviation development.

Additionally, an MoU was signed with Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, designating it as the host for the 2025 ACI World Customer Experience Summit & Exhibition. This premier event attracts over 600 senior airport executives, civil aviation authorities, and aviation industry specialists, focusing on customer and employee experiences.

Mr. Wang Xiaoyong, Chairman of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, highlighted the significance of this event for exchanging ideas and promoting the comprehensive internationalization of China’s airports. De Oliveira announced the airport’s role as the 2025 Summit host, acknowledging its resilience and focus on customer and employee experiences, as evidenced by its high passenger traffic and rapid recovery rate.

Acting Mayor Sun Zhiyang confirmed Guangzhou’s full support for the 2025 Summit, given the city’s status as an international business and transportation hub. De Oliveira concluded by expressing ACI World’s commitment to working closely with Guangzhou Airport for the high-quality development of its international aviation hub.

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Tags: ACI APAC, ACI World, Airports Association, aviation, Aviation industry, Beijing Capital International, CCAA, china, China Civil Airports Association, Chinese Airports, civil aviation, Daxing International, global travelers, Guangzhou Baiyun, Middle East, Sustainable, The Airports Council International